<body> Welcome to the Emo Side
About Me

The one and only...


Listening to music.
Text messaging my friends.

My moron-like yet awesome friends.

- Ben Wong~

- Ilya~

- Ryan~

- Adeline~

- Natalie CEM~

- 6C~

- Zhi Ann~

- Megan~

- Coshyn, Rebek and An Win~

- Tiong Oon~

- Zhen Sheng~

- Min Li~

- New Blog~

Blog Archeives.

  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • May 2009
  • June 2009
  • July 2009
  • August 2009
  • September 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • December 2009
  • January 2010

  • MusicPlaylist
    Music Playlist at MixPod.com

    Chat Like There's No Tomorrow.


    layout design, coding, photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    1| 2

    Sunday, January 3, 2010

    Hey everyone. Its not too late for me to say Happy New Year, right? Haha. Anyways, its a new year, new school, new class, new friends, new books and, yes, a new blog. I made another one. I'm proberly going to delete this one or save it for no better reason. But anyways, new blog's url is www.emo13queen.blogspot.com . I think I might change the url, but I'll tell you all about it before I change it. So... Relink, please. ^^

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, December 25, 2009

    Hey everyone. Merry Christmas. Seems like no one really post anything about Christmas. I bet you all are either on vacation or too busy to post anything(LAZY!!! XP). Anyways, I'm having an emo Christmas. Yeah... I know, its normal. -.- Haiz... Today's just different... Its more like a sad one. I've been watching Christmas shows all morning and its all about kids not getting the Christmas present they asked from Santa Claus. Well, thats a bunch of bullcrap. Christmas is the feeling that comes from the heart. And its not about the presents or Santa. Its about remembering the birth of Jesus Christ. And its about giving and making others happy. I know I made someone happy today. Anyways, nothing much to say. Have a merry Christmas.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, December 18, 2009

    Hey everyone. Only 2 more weeks of holiday left. Bummer, isn't it? Haha. Some people wanna go back to school, but when its Sunday night, they'll think: I wish this was the first day of holiday all over again. LOL Well, I having a normal holiday. Nothing special, but thats for now. In few hours time, the Krusty Krab will be 11(and something else will happen)!! XP So... In this holiday I have downloaded some songs and added some to my MixPod. I know if I didn't say it all of you won't even notice. Isn't that right? Gotcha! Anyways, theres nothing much to post about, so, cioaz~

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Tuesday, December 8, 2009

    Tag: 15#
    A. You prefer...

    1. Alcohol or Mineral Water - Water.
    2. Blue or Pink - BLUE!
    3. Hot Guys ( Hot guys like Taylor Lautner ) or Cool Guys - Both. But NOT Taylor Lautner
    4. Good Looks or Brains - Both.
    5. Taylor Swift or Taylor Lautner - Swift.
    6. Friends or Loved Ones - Both.
    7. "Baby" or "Honey" - Neither.

    B. Your kind of guy :

    1. Alcoholic or Non-alcoholic - Neither?
    2. Good or Bad - Depends.
    3. Brave or Cute - Both.
    4. Tall or Short - Tall.
    5. T-Shirt or Suite - Both.
    6. Coat or Leather Jacket - Neither.
    7. Sunnies or Spectacles - Sunnies!~
    8. Caring or Rich - Caring!
    9. Kisses or Hugs - XOXO~
    10. Romantic? - I guess so?

    C.Your Daily Activities :

    1. After Breakfast - TV~
    2. Before School - Breakfast?
    3. During School - Hanging out with friends.
    4. After School - Hw.
    5. Night - Read some story books, listern to music etc.
    6. Midnight - Sleeping?
    7. Holidays - Blogging, texting people, On9...

    Tag 10 people:

    1. Ilya
    2. Benjamin
    3. Phantom
    4. Annie Wong
    5. Natalie CEM ;D
    6. Adeline
    7. Ryan
    8. Megan
    9. Min Li
    10. Tiong Oon

    1. What if 9 confesses that he/she likes you?
    Ilya ain't a les! XP

    2. Will you go out for a couple date with 3 if he/she asks to?
    Phantom? O.o

    3. Is 7 single?
    Lion? Errr... Yeah?

    4. Describe 1.
    Ilya... Pretty, smart, nice, caring, awesome friend. :D

    5. Will you date 8?
    Megan? O.O

    6. What is 2's nickname?
    Ben...Luncheon meat!!!

    7. What do you wish to tell 10 right now ?
    Tiong Oon...Errr... Friends forever? Don't forget me! Hahaha

    8. What is 5 good in?
    Nat CEM... Being an awesome person! ^^"

    9. If you were to do one thing to 4, what would it be?
    Zhi Ann...Scold her:" SIAU KIA!!!" XD

    10. Have you seen 1 cried ?
    Ilya... Nope.

    11. Is 2 crazy or geeky?
    Ben... KLAZY! Hahahah~

    12. Will you hold 7's hand and walk around?

    13. What do you think of 6?
    Adeline...Happy Queen!~

    14. Will you kiss 3 when there is only both of you in the park?
    Phantom... -.- Already did that before la...

    15. Is 8 sweet?
    Megan, Yupp~ ^^

    16. What is 9's hobby?
    Min Li...Singing?

    17. Will you date 10 to a high class restaurant?
    Tiong Oon...Not a date. Just an outing, then yeah.

    18. Is 5 fitted to be a maid?
    Yeah! XD

    19. When it started raining, who will you seek for an umbrella ?
    Depends on who I see.

    20. Where would you go with 1 on a date ?
    Ilya... I want OUTINGS! Not DATES! -.-"

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Thursday, December 3, 2009

    Tag #14. Answer the question.. bla bla bla. You know what to do.

    1. Are you in a relationship?
    Which moron would wanna be in a relationship with me?

    2. How often do you visit MySpace?
    Whats a MySpace? (lol)

    3. What is your favorite candy bar?
    Too many of them.

    4. Have you ever tripped going up steps?
    Yeah. Being clumsy.

    5. Where was your last vacation?
    Langkawi/ Penang~ :D

    6. Would you bungee jump?
    Of course!

    7. Do you own a Fall Out Boy CD?
    Once owned. Gave it to someone for birthday present.

    8. Do you like amusement parks?

    9. Do you ride rollercoasters ?
    Hell yeah!

    10. Current CD in your radio or computer?
    Wedding dress~

    11. Can you touch your tongue to your nose?
    If I stretch, yeah.

    12. When was the last time you were in the ocean?
    Last year.

    13. Do you like flowers?
    Is black rose counted?

    14. Who do you like?
    Theres no point of me to like someone cuz I know I'm not going to be accepted by anyone, so no.

    15. Are you hungry and if so, what for?
    Honestly, nothing.

    16. What are you listening to?
    Wedding Dress~

    17. Socks and sandals?

    18. Who was the last person to go to the movies with you?
    Vinn Kee~

    19. What is some things you really hope to do this summer?
    Get out of my house.

    20. Do you like to go Mini-Golfing?
    Never tried.

    21. Are you moving this summer?

    22. Are you going to be starting a new job this summer?

    23. Have you ever slapped someone?
    Depends on what kind of slap you're referring to.

    24. Have you ever gotten poison ivy?

    25. Do you plan on going camping this summer?
    I SO wanna go if I have the chance to.

    26. Favorite pizza topping?

    27. Pants or shorts?
    Whats the difference? One is short one is long?

    28. What's the last movie you watched?
    New moon.

    29. Are you currently fighting with anyone?
    No. But that person thinks I am. -.-

    30. Are you too forgiving?
    Yeah, honestly.

    31. How many pets do you have?

    32. Own any clothing from Roxy?

    33. What's your favorite breakfast food?

    34. Where was the last place you went?
    1 Utama.

    35. Where will you be in 24 hours?

    36. What did you do 2 nights ago?
    TV, home, horror movies...

    37. Last time you went to a fancy restaurant?
    LONG time ago.

    38. Last thing you bought?
    Sushi and Rice balls.

    40. Anywhere you want to go?
    Out of this house.

    41 What's Michigan?
    Somewhere in America.

    42.What have you done today?
    Wake up, brush teeth, bathe, eat breakfast, watch TV, Online... Thats about it.

    43. Are you thinking of someone right now?

    44. Have you ever thrown something out of a moving car?
    No. At least I don't remember...

    45. Do you wish you were somewhere else?

    47. Are you happy with your life right now?
    I guess...

    48. What's the last thing you ate?

    49. What's the next place you have to go?
    No where?

    50. How many hours do you usually sleep per night?
    8 hours, I think.

    51. What's the next important date on your calender?
    19th December.

    52. Who were the last 5 people to call you?
    Ivan Tan, my dad, my mom, my sister, Zhi Ann.

    53. McDonald's or Burger King?

    54. Who last text messaged you?
    Zhi Ann.

    55. Are you closer to your mother or father?

    56. Do you like to quote things?
    I guess?

    57. Are you afraid of the dark?

    58. Do you exercise regularly?
    I guess so.

    59. What is the most expensive thing YOU ever bought?
    Chocolate. RM56...

    60. What should you be doing right now?
    Enjoying my holiday.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Wednesday, December 2, 2009

    Hey everyone. I've been really lazy lately to update my blog, so yeah. The graduation trip was really fun. The tour guide's name is Edward. Hahaha. When he told us his name, I looked at Ryan and he looked back too, we were like, O.O then XD. Lol. We're idoits, but we're also BFF. Hahah. I won't be uploading the pictures I took during the whole trip in facebook cuz: 1) Lazy 2) I don't know how to (Shocker!). But anyways... I hope that wasn't the last time I got to see all of my friends (idoits, haha). I will text message them back if they text me first. So, yeah. Same goes for MSN. I'm not good at starting a conversation. Anyways, welcome a new member in The Emo Side's family's playlist... Wedding dress by Taeyang!!!

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Monday, November 16, 2009

    Hey everyone. I've been really emo for this whole weekend. But there are so many events this week...

    17/11- I have to go to BU3 to register myself in there. So I won't be going to school tomorrow.

    19/11- Last day of school/ Loads of trophy giveaways.

    20/11- Graduation day. Ilya's birthday party.

    21/11- Dad and Ilya's birthday.
    23/11- Going to Sam's house for the first time in my life!

    24/11- 27/11 Graduation trip.

    And thats about it. I'll post about more things when they come in my mind.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-