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The one and only...


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My moron-like yet awesome friends.

- Ben Wong~

- Ilya~

- Ryan~

- Adeline~

- Natalie CEM~

- 6C~

- Zhi Ann~

- Megan~

- Coshyn, Rebek and An Win~

- Tiong Oon~

- Zhen Sheng~

- Min Li~

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    Chat Like There's No Tomorrow.


    layout design, coding, photo-editing,

    by ice angel

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    Wednesday, March 18, 2009

    Thank you so much for your surpport and thanks for looking out for new posts. Thank you so much everyone. But now, I have to tell you all something very serious and I will really appreciate it if you do so. On the 28th of March, from 8:30p.m.-9:30p.m. please please please turn off your lights. If you haven't realize, its international earth day. So please do the earth a favor and turn of your lights on that day. Its just an hour to show global warming that we can overcome it. Thanks everyone!

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Saturday, March 14, 2009

    I made a mistake yesterday... It was eight locks altogether, not seven. Sorry everyone. But it was quite an experience... XD Anywayz, today Im going to that BM tution once again. Hallelujah!! Im not as excited as the first day I went there though. Oh well, hope you all are having a nice day. =)

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, March 13, 2009

    Today. Is Friday the Thirteen. Some people believe that today is bad luck. But today happends to be one of the best day of my life. A day like this don't come around often. So, I have made the best of it. Today, my music teacher came to my house for piano lessons and my mom was out. So I had no remote for the auto gate. I opened the side pad lock of my house gate to let my teacher in. Then, I accidentally locked it... So when she wanted to get out, I told her what happend. So she went out trough the back door. That back door is seriously rusted like hell! And that door has three locks(that's the main door to the back of my house), and another three locks for the other door(that's the protection for my main house back door) and one more lock for the main gate(people in the same row as my house can use that gate out to the back of their house too) to let her out. Thats seven rusted locks altogether...

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Thursday, March 12, 2009

    I know its been a while since I have been posting. Sorry people!! Today Im going to post about something that happend in school during P.E. Well, I brought my racket to school to face off with Ryan (yes, thats the idiot from the last post XD). If he wins, I have to bring my new (awesome, cool) phone to tution this coming Saturday. If I win, he has to wear a black shirt (black is the theme this week). Let the games begin!! First of all, Ryan can't shoot the shuttercock so well, so, I lost by one mark at first. Then, when ends meet, I WON!! So, Ryan Lam has to wear a black shirt this Saturday in the tution! -cheers- After the competition, Ivan (my best-guy-friend) joined in the fun. But, I accidentally shot the shuttercock straight to his heart. XO Then after recess, I accidentally hit Ryan's finger with a chair... I guess thats why im the Emo Bad Luck Queen...

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Saturday, March 7, 2009

    Today, is the first day of a B.M tution of mine. I have a best friend there and an idoit who happends to sit behind of me. That idoit is the one the only, Ryan Lam!! XD It was very fun there. But too quiet. The teacher looks quite stern. But, it was an enjoyable tution( I know it sound so weird) because I can keep in touch with my best friend again( yes, we were split apart once). Now, I feel so tired after the tution... Keep looking out for new posts!

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, March 6, 2009

    Yay!!! Exam is OVER!!!!! Today, Im going to post about my latest discovery( lol, I sound like a doctor). Well, I was looking at 6C class blog yesterday and I saw someone using KJuan's name in the Cbox. And that person said:" Hi, Im King Juan. I don't wear underpants." I asked KJuan whether he really typed that. He thought it was KJern who used his name. Then, today after recess, KJuan told KJern about this and KJern scolded me bad words. I tried to explaine it to KJern but he wouldn't listen. So, I apologized to him during the last period of school. I know it wasn't my intention to tell KJuan just to make them fight or any other crap, but Im just posting this to clear the air. Sorry KJern.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Monday, March 2, 2009

    Today, I was checking my Cbox, and I found a disturbing message by NOOB. I just want to tell all the spammers, stay out and keep your stupid comments to yourself. No one wants to hear stupid comments like yours. I know I sound mean, but NOOB said he/she wants to do something to my blog, thats too much. So, I feel the pleasure to be mean to spammers who deserve it.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Sunday, March 1, 2009

    Today, Im going to post about Studying. Studying makes me grumpy. I just studied for like, um... 3 hours plus. And now, Im freakingly angry! I just want to get over the exams already!! >.< By the way, I don't know how it happend, but I fell down on the stairs of my house. Now I have bruises on my left arm and leg. Cool isn't it? But, Im starting to fell happier because in this week, there is no after school tution!!

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-