<body> Welcome to the Emo Side
About Me

The one and only...


Listening to music.
Text messaging my friends.

My moron-like yet awesome friends.

- Ben Wong~

- Ilya~

- Ryan~

- Adeline~

- Natalie CEM~

- 6C~

- Zhi Ann~

- Megan~

- Coshyn, Rebek and An Win~

- Tiong Oon~

- Zhen Sheng~

- Min Li~

- New Blog~

Blog Archeives.

  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • May 2009
  • June 2009
  • July 2009
  • August 2009
  • September 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • December 2009
  • January 2010

  • MusicPlaylist
    Music Playlist at MixPod.com

    Chat Like There's No Tomorrow.


    layout design, coding, photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    1| 2

    Sunday, May 31, 2009

    Hey everyone. I just got back from 1U. I saw this cute puppy. Its a retriever. But its not golden. Its black. So cool! It keep whimping when I was going to leave. I don't know why but animals love me so much. I love animals and they love me. XD =) Ciaos~

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Thursday, May 28, 2009

    Hey everyone. Im emo as always. But Im also very depress right now. Do you guys remember that person that I was posting about a few posts ago? The dude that missed called me twice and the same person that I wanted to ignore? Yeah, that ass. That ass...-sigh- Strikes again! That person is quiet. And Im emo. A lot of people think that he is emo. And Im just... Me. I want to make this clear. I AM EMO. Thats why IM the EMO QUEEN.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, May 22, 2009

    Heyz everyone! As you all know... Tomorrow is my birthday. =) Tomorrow, our school is also going to have an event. The photography thing. Something happen today. Something... bad. Some of the closest people know what happen. But I won't tell you all. So, today teacher changed my place. And now I sit with my best friend again- Zhi Ann! WEEE~ But thats not the bad thing. The changing place thing was a random topic. Hehe! Ciaos~

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Tuesday, May 19, 2009

    Heyz everyone!!! I have a big announcement to make. As promised, I will tell you the big secret. Well, its not actually that big, but people want to know. So here. On May 23rd, its.... My birthday. -joy- So, know you all know. =) I know many of you asked me many times when it is, but here. May 23rd. Happy? Since I told you all. Those who now knows when my birthday is, be sure to give me presents. XD Im just kidding. But seriously, I LOVE presents. See ya!!

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Sunday, May 17, 2009

    Hey everyone! Hows celebrating freedom from exam going? Hahaha. =) I so excited today. I woke up at 5 something because Im wayy to excited! Do you know why am I excited?? Today, I am going to Zhi Ann's house! YAY!!! Finally I can go. Haha. She's like, my best friend (girl) now. Im so excited to see her new puppy! She just got it a week ago. Wow, Im just so happy! Haha! I'll tell you all whats the surprize on... Lets see... Thursday. So, keep checking on my blog, cuz I might announce it earlier. Ciaos~

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, May 15, 2009

    WEEEE!!!! Today exam ends!! Yay!! I hope you all have good results. I still remember my promise. BUT! I did mention that its next week. Hehe. Well, if you all are going to get me something, I will thank you all. FYI, I already bought the David Archuleta CD. I love him so much! =) See ya!


    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Sunday, May 10, 2009

    Today is Mothers' Day. Happy Mothers' Day to all the mothers. =) I have no idea why Im so tired today. Haizz. Well, next week. Im going to tell you all something that you all have been asking me. So, Stay tuned. =) Thanks for the surpport. Good luck in your exams everyone.

    P.S. I actually love presents. I just don't know how to accept them properly. Its like, I feel very... Shy about it.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, May 8, 2009

    Thanks everyone for checking this blog once in a while (Nat and Ilya). =) I don't really have anything to post about... Well, Let me try to think of random stuffs. 0.0 I KNOW! Today, Im gonna thank everyone! Haha! Well, I wanna thank everyone for being so nice to me. I really appreciate it and thanks alot to Nat. At least you know Im EMO! Muahaha! And I wanna thank Ben, Ivan, Ilya, Gillian and some other people who reads my blog. Thanks! =) Good luck in your exams people!

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Sunday, May 3, 2009

    Hey, hey people! I know, I know I haven't been posting in, like, a year. But don't blame me. Exam is in this week. Well, I have something exciting to tell you all. But it isn't exciting to me. And please keep this a secret. This month, is my month. As in, my birthday month. I won't tell you when my birthday is cuz you all will be like:" Happy birthday, Xin Yueh!" or :" Here's your present! Happy birthday!" I don't really like it when people do that to me... I have made something really lame. Rules of my birthday:
    1) You can't give me any presents. (Just kidding. I love presents! XD)
    2) If you tell anyone about my birthday, your head will be in your computer/labtop.
    Thats all I will post. See you all. And good luck in your exams!!

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-