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About Me

The one and only...


Listening to music.
Text messaging my friends.

My moron-like yet awesome friends.

- Ben Wong~

- Ilya~

- Ryan~

- Adeline~

- Natalie CEM~

- 6C~

- Zhi Ann~

- Megan~

- Coshyn, Rebek and An Win~

- Tiong Oon~

- Zhen Sheng~

- Min Li~

- New Blog~

Blog Archeives.

  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • May 2009
  • June 2009
  • July 2009
  • August 2009
  • September 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • December 2009
  • January 2010

  • MusicPlaylist
    Music Playlist at MixPod.com

    Chat Like There's No Tomorrow.


    layout design, coding, photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    1| 2

    Friday, July 31, 2009

    Hey people. How are you? I hope you all took good care of your health. I went to 1U just now. Im my dad's personal clothes assistant. Haha. This salesman I saw in the men's department just now, yeah, he's one freaky dude. He kept staring at me. When I stood behind of this tree there to block his view from me, from the corner of my eye, I saw he moved to get his view back... Anyways, I forgotten to put my Chap Stick on so my lips were so damn dry! >.<

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Sunday, July 26, 2009

    Hey everyone. I just wanted you all to know that.... I have my very own CHAP STICK! XD I'm so happy that I have it. Its like so cool that I get to have something that actually belongs to me and I'm the first user, so, yeah. Haha. I love chap sticks. Its not like I love it thats why I bought it, its cuz I need it. The weather is like crazy, so my lips get so dry I keep licking it like a lizard. So, I need chap stick. If you think I care too much about my looks or anything, your wrong. I'm saving my body from breaking down. So, yeah. And in this post, I wanna give special thanks to my brother from another mother who is SO cool and understanding for cheering me up when I was down yesterday. Thanks a lot, bro! =)

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Saturday, July 25, 2009

    Hey people. Sorry about not posting in a while. There are loads of complication. But I realized something. Im getting better at facing the horrors of Standard 6. No kidding. When teacher give us homework or something I hate, I wouldn't really mind. All I'll think of is been there/done that. Hope you all will follow my attitude so life doesn't gets in your head so much.

    P.S. Take GOOD care of yourself. The envirement is gettine worst. And now I need Chap sticks. XD Just like David Archuleta! ^.^

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Saturday, July 18, 2009

    Hey everyone. I have been forced to post something immedietly by this SOMEONE. -.- Well, first of all, Im going to post about tution. And then Im going to kill SOMEONE for doing that to me. Its a killing spree! Muahaha. Well, today, I have BM tution. But SOMEONE didn't go to tution cause of a 'lunch appointment'. I have no idea what that even means. But today, my tution teacher seem weird. Like he's thinking of SOMEONE. That SOMEONE happens to sit in front of me in that tution. But that SOMEONE is a guy. o.o Hahaha. That SOMEONE better watch out. If I were him, I'd train myself to sleep with one eye open tonight...

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Hey everyone! Good morning. ^.^ Im really happy now. Spongebob Squarepants is officially 10!! Haha. If you didn't know, I really love Spongebob. Espeacially Patrick. Well, yesterday I forgotten to post about something that happen in school. During the last period, it was science. I was getting in the line for teacher to do something to our workbooks. I was going to the back of the line. Foong Ying was in front of me. Jon Pang let her get by, but the purposely block my way. I didn't notice it was him until he blocked me. Ugh, why must he be in 6C? >.< Anyways, I love your blog, Ryan! =)

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, July 17, 2009

    Hey. How's everyone after UPSR trials? Im doing ok. Not too good results for me. Ugh... Im currently sick now. Gosh. Anyways, Im feeling awesome today. I have awesome friends who stand by me, a big brother from another mother who loves and understands me, family complications are clearing up. -Sigh- This is an awesome day. Oh! Before I forget, today is Spongebob Squarepant's 10th anniversary. Be sure to check it out at 6.00p.m. at Nickelodeon. Cioaz~

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Sunday, July 12, 2009

    Hey everyone. How are you? Today is a same-old same-old day. Wake up, eat breakfast, study, bathe, eat lunch, study. Then use the computer, which is now. Argh, I hate UPSR! Trial exam is on Tuesday... Everyone's having so much pressure (except Ilya). Im waiting for it to be over.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Saturday, July 11, 2009

    Hey people. Hows everything? Today is Sports Day. Loads of people were there. And I was one of those idiots. XD Just kidding. Well, today I met that so called 'stalker'. Here's what happen. Few weeks ago, during recess, this kid (whom I don't know), came up to me and called my name then ran away. I felt like asking him who he is, but he ran away. So I told my three best friends about this kid. And one of the best friend told me that that kid may be a stalker. So, I asked a dude in my class who I know has two little brothers whether he knows it might be that kid. And just yesterday, that dude told me that is really was his brother who came up to me the other day. I felt like slapping that kid cuz you don't just go up to someone who you know, but doesn't know you! Argh... Im pissed. Sweat. Hahax. Well, got to go. My mom is nagging at me once again. See ya!

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Thursday, July 9, 2009

    I need each and everyone of your help. Is pet brother/sister's relationship better than best friends? Or is it the other way around? Im trying to figure it out. Someone please help!! By the way, Wish you all luck in next week's trail exam. I know this is a short post, but its not like I have anything else to post about except study, study and more study.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Sunday, July 5, 2009

    Heyz. How's everyone doing now? Im so going to kill you Adeline Ong. Tomorrow for sure. Anywhos, does anyone want a golden retriever puppy? My best-gurl-friend, Zhi Ann wants to sell her puppy away. Well, her parents made her do it. But you get the point. So sad for her. T.T

    P.S. Adeline, you better not tell anyone why Im going to kill you and you better prepare for your funeral. And say hi to Micheal Jackson to me.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, July 3, 2009

    Hey everyone. I feel so good today. =))) Things are starting to look up, up, UP! Im so happy that I finally found some of my bravery (not all). I sure feel so good today. Me and my best friends are so much more closer. And for those who think me and best friends bullied you, we didn't. You had that coming. And thanks alot, jerk.

    P.S. Its not you, Adeline.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Wednesday, July 1, 2009

    Hey everyone. Today, Im feeling ok. But at the same time Im confuse. I don't know what to do. There's this problem happening again. Those who knows whats going on, please don't tell. There's this kajian tempatan project, thats due to Monday. That project is ok. Me and my partner a.k.a my best friend- Zhi Ann are doing the designing now. Fast, eh? Kar Lok is stuggling with Ivan on who to copy this and that. Muahahaha. Me and Zhi Ann's project cover is Spongebob and Patrick. Haha. It sort of reflects on me and Zhi Ann's relationship. Its like, She's Spongebob, Im Patrick... And Im not fat...

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-