<body> Welcome to the Emo Side
About Me

The one and only...


Listening to music.
Text messaging my friends.

My moron-like yet awesome friends.

- Ben Wong~

- Ilya~

- Ryan~

- Adeline~

- Natalie CEM~

- 6C~

- Zhi Ann~

- Megan~

- Coshyn, Rebek and An Win~

- Tiong Oon~

- Zhen Sheng~

- Min Li~

- New Blog~

Blog Archeives.

  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • May 2009
  • June 2009
  • July 2009
  • August 2009
  • September 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • December 2009
  • January 2010

  • MusicPlaylist
    Music Playlist at MixPod.com

    Chat Like There's No Tomorrow.


    layout design, coding, photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    1| 2

    Wednesday, October 28, 2009

    Hey everyone. Its officially been 8 days since I've update my blog. And I'm proud of it! Adeline asked me to update it before she went to China. And I got another reminder by Ryan just now. So, this is my longest record ever. Too bad I have to leave it like that. =( But anways, DDC is going great. We only got the middle part and the ending to work on. I'm so grateful for Ashley. She rocks! She knows how to be a great leader. She knows how to make the guys listen to her. And she's awesome for those reasons. But there are more reasons why she's awesome too. XD She figured out the ending of our dance routine. She's awesome!!! ^^

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Tuesday, October 20, 2009

    Tagged by Ilya again.

    1. Where did you take your profile pic?- The emo website.
    2. What exactly are you wearing right now?- Emo shirt and pants.
    3. What is your current problem?- Secret.
    4. What makes you happy most?- Im emo. Im never happy.
    5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?- Kelsey.
    6. Any celeb you would marry?- Yeah. But I doubt he would want to marry me. Cuz no one likes me.
    7. Name some one/persons with the same birthday as you:- Don't know...
    8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?- No. No one has ever heard me sing.
    9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?- No celebrity is ugly...
    10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?- Is Spongebob Squarepants counted?
    11. Do you speak any other languages than English?- Yes.
    12. Has anyone you've been really close passed away?- Yeah.
    13. Do you ever watch MTV?- Yeah.
    14. What's something that really annoys you?- Annoying people?

    Chapter 1

    1. Middle name: Xin?
    2. Nickname(s): Emo Queen, Lys, Jill, Jillian, Emo...
    3. Current location: Home
    4. Eye color: Dark brown

    Chapter 2

    1. Do you get along with your parent(s): Yeah
    2.Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Married. -.-

    Chapter 3: Favorites

    1. Ice Cream: Vanilla.
    2. Season: Winter.
    3. Shampoo/conditioner: Don't know. Any would do.
    4. Favorite Thing: Everything?

    Chapter 4: Do You..

    1. Dance in the shower?- I guess so...
    2. Do you write on your hand?- Yeah.
    3. Call people back?- Yeah.
    4. Believe in God?- Not sure.
    5. Any bad habits?- Of course.
    6. Any mental health issues:- Wut?

    Chapter 5: Have You.

    1. Sprained stuff:- Huh?
    2. Had physical therapy?- Don't know.
    3. Gotten stitches?- Don't know.
    4. Taken painkillers?- Panadol.
    5. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling?- Nope.
    6. Thrown up at the dentist?- Never. But nice one!~
    7. Sworn in front of your parents?- Don't know.
    8. Had detention?- No.

    Chapter 6: Who/What was the last

    1. Movie(s):- Gothika.
    2. Three people who texted you:- Zhi Ann.
    3. Person you called:- My mom.
    4. Person you hugged?- Phantom.
    6. Person you talked to on msn?- Sam.
    7. Thing you touched?- Keyboard.
    8. Thing you ate?- DoubleMint Chewing Gum.
    9. Thing you drank?- Water.
    10. Thing you said:- Damn you.
    11. Person you kissed:- People would burn after I kiss them.
    12. Place you went:- Er, school?
    13. Tagging:- Everyone.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, October 16, 2009

    Hey people. My prediction was right... So many people protested on my last post. Thanks alot to all of you. Thanks for understanding how I feel. But anyways, I just got back from the hair salon. Yes, I got a hair cut. So for those who saw me let my hair down, too bad! Cuz now I have a new hair style and I look so different. Muahahaha.~

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Monday, October 12, 2009

    Hey everyone. I doubt that anyone of you really read my blog (except Ryan) so I will be wasting my time posting about things that you guys don't care. Here's whats on my mind now. Recently, I noticed that I care way too much for my friends and they don't appreciate it. I know people will start protesting about this in my Cbox(what am I kidding about, no one reads my blog...), but thats how I feel about it. I've been trying to help all of my friends. But they don't really see how much I really care about them or how important they are to me. And just this afternoon, I realised that I'm nothing to everyone. I'm worthless. Useless. I know I sound very negative now, but its the truth. I mean nothing to everyone. My family, friends... I'm nothing to them. Even my mom doesn't trust me. My brother doesn't care about me at all. Phantom's wasn't there for me. Ryan isn't online when I need him. Zhi Ann doesn't really understand or know what or how I would react to situations...

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Thursday, October 8, 2009

    Copy and paste everything, do it and repost the title with whatever rank you were given. Ranks are given at the bottom of this note. Remember to tag people. If you have done something in this school which is indicated by the sentence, mark the [ ] on the left side of the thing you have done with a X. Let the game begin.

    Level 1:

    [x]Sleep in class
    [x]Talked in class
    [x]Not sitting at your own place in class
    [x]Scolded by a teacher
    [x]Litter the classroom
    [x]Did not do your homework at least 15 times
    [x]Submitted your homework late at least 10 times
    [ ]Came late for school at least 10 times
    [x]Brought/wore home clothes without school's permission
    [x]Brought/wore jewellery to school
    [x]did not pay attention in class for at least 60% of the time
    [ ]cried out "sian" to the teacher
    [x]plucked a flower/ killed a plant in school
    [x]copied other people's homework in desperation
    [x]played a trick on your classmates/teacher

    Total so far: 13

    Level 2:

    [ ]sent for detention class
    [x]late in class
    [ ]not wearing your school uniform (if you have) properly
    [ ]shouted at the top of your voice during lesson time
    [x]scolding vulgarities in class
    [x]spotted hairstyle deemed unacceptable by the school
    [ ]used a school facility without school's permission
    [x]played soccer/basketball or any other sports in classroom
    [ ]singing loudly during lesson
    [ ]walking around the class aimlessly during lesson time
    [x]did not greet the teacher properly
    [x]went to the toilet during lesson time without permission
    [x]played a trick on the teacher during april fools
    [ ]used the teacher's table as a rubbish dump
    [ ]made yourself a nuisance to the teacher

    Total so far: 20

    Level 3:

    [x]was asked to stay back after school/ break time
    [ ]made a fool out of morning assembly
    [ ]wasted the school's toilet paper (No toilet paper in my school)
    [x]sabotaged someone
    [ ]irritated someone

    Total so far: 22

    Level 4:

    [x]forged your parent's signature
    [ ]forged a classmate's signature
    [ ]forged a teacher's signature
    [ ]made rude remarks to the school cleaners in front of them
    [ ]flew a paper aeroplane down from the school from at least the fifth storey

    Total so far: 21

    Level 5:

    [ ]fiddling with your handphone during lesson time
    [ ]played with a PSP in school
    [x]using school computer to play games without a teacher's permission
    [ ]listened to an MP3 player in school
    [ ]messed with the teacher's pigeon hole

    Total so far: 22

    Level 6:

    [x]vandalizing with school property
    [ ]tried to defame your school in public
    [ ]used the internet to scold teachers
    [ ]fought with someone in school
    [ ]shoplifted in school

    Total so far: 23

    Level 7:

    [x]cheated in a class test
    [ ]cheated in a school examination
    [ ]cheated in your UPSR/PMR/SPM Examination
    [x]Lied to your teacher
    [ ]played truancy for hall assemblies/ specific lessons

    Total so far: 25

    Level 8:

    [ ]took drugs in school
    [ ]smoked in school
    [ ]set fire to something in the school
    [x]locked the teacher out of the classroom
    [ ]played truancy just after coming to school just to take attendance

    Total so far: 26

    Level 9:

    [ ]refused to pay school fees
    [ ]cheated the school money
    [ ]stole things which belonged to the school
    [ ]bullied someone in school
    [ ]prank called your school

    Total so far: 26

    Level 10:

    [ ]raised your voice/shouted against a student leader
    [ ]raised your voice/shouted against a teacher
    [ ]raised your voice/shouted against your discipline master/mistress
    [ ]raised your voice/shouted against your vice-principal
    [ ]raised your voice/shouted against your principal

    Total so far: 26

    Level 11:

    [ ]brought weapons to the school
    [ ]brought real firearms to the school
    [ ]brought a real bomb to the school
    [ ]fired a real weapon in the school with the motive to frighten/kill
    [ ]dressed up as a terrorist to school

    Grand total: 26


    If you are between 0-15 ---I am a good student
    If you are between 16-20-- I am a good student but with occasional trouble
    If you are between 21-30-- I am an average student
    If you are between 31-40---I am a bad student
    If you are between 41-50---I am a very bad student
    If you are between 51-60---I should have been caned by the discipline master
    If you are between 61-65---I should have been expelled from school
    If you are between 66-75---I should have been sent to a reformatory centre

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Sunday, October 4, 2009

    Hey everyone. I want to let you all know, for the last time, that I'm not interested in crush or like or love. I don't understand that kind of feeling. And I don't want to understand it. I nearly puked at the sound of those words. I just don't understand them. And I don't like those words. They just don't make sense to me! So, I don't like anyone. And no one likes me. Cuz I'm emo, weird, ugly, fat, retarded, selfish, and so much more. I just hate myself so much...

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Saturday, October 3, 2009


    So, here's how it works:

    1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)

    2. Put it on shuffle

    3. Press play for every question, type the song that's playing

    4. When you go to a new question, press the next button

    5. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool... and alot of the songs fit with the setting

    Opening Credits: Circus -O.O-

    Waking Up: I wanna -Except if I'm having a sweet dream-

    First Day At School: Supermassive black hole -My thoughts are like a black hole!-

    Falling In Love: 4ever -No comment-

    Fight Song: SOS -This song helps when your gonna give up on your fight! XD-

    Breaking Up: Crush -Why is it the same song as Ryan's??-

    Prom night: Something to believe in -Nice.-

    Life: Me, you and my medication -Oh yeah! My emo life.-

    Mental Breakdown: Hero/Heroine -You need a hero to rescue you when you ahve a mental breakdown!-

    Driving: Save the day -More like save my energy!-

    Flashback: Running -I have a flashback of running! XD-

    Getting back together: My hands -No comment once again.-

    Wedding: Barriers -Still no comment-

    Birth of Child: Desperate -Wut?!-

    Final Battle: Let me go -Let me go from the final battle.-

    Funeral Song: I wanna know you -sigh- The awful memories...

    Final Credits: The Saltwater room -Doesn't fit.-

    ~Rules again~

    1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.

    2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.


    4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.

    5. Put this in your profile.

    1.If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
    Control -Control your own mind. Make up your own mind!-

    2.How would you describe yourself?
    Beautiful -pukes-

    3. What do you like in a girl/guy? A little too not over you

    4. How do you feel today? Zero Gravity -I'm floating! XD-

    5. What is your life's purpose? Gotta be somebody -Helping people out.-

    6. What is your motto? A thousand miles -Huh?-

    7. What do your friends think of you? Gives you hell -Hey! >.< I'm not evil to them. At least some of them...

    8. What do you think of your parents? Waiting for yesterday -I'm locked up in my own world from them. Muahahaha.-

    9. What do you think about very often? Break my heart -Being heartbroken...-

    10. What is 2 + 2? I don't care -I don't care what 2+2= to! XD-

    11. What do you think of your best friend? Move along -Goes out to my brother~-

    12. What do you think of the person you like? America's suitehearts -Doesn't make any sense to me cuz I don't like anyone.-

    13. What do you love? Untouched -I'm very skillful to not let you touch me. XD-

    Tagged by Ryan.~

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Friday, October 2, 2009

    Tag #1. Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to copy-paste this note, and answer all the questions. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged.

    ABC About You Questions:

    A - AVAILABLE: Er... Yeah?
    B- BOUGHT LAST: Purple shirt that says: Everybody's crazy for me. And at the back says:Are you crazy for me?
    C - CRUSHING ON: No.
    D - DUMPED: Never.
    F - FACED REJECTION: Once. That would be my last.
    G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Gummy Bears. Bear bears~
    H - HOMETOWN: Somewhere...
    I - INVOLVED IN A FIGHT: Don't know.
    J - JONAS BROTHERS: Once liked them. Now their hair sucks! XD
    L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: 4 and a half hours.
    M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Vanilla mix with strawberry.
    O - ONE WISH: For more wishes!
    Q- QUESTION: Huh?
    R - REASON TO SMILE: Don't smile.
    S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: We the kings- Skyway Avenue!~
    T - TIME YOU WOKE UP TODAY: 7 something.
    V - VEGETABLE(S): Most of them.
    W - WEAKNESS: None.
    X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: 1
    Y – YOYOS ARE: Circle.
    Z - ZODIAC : Gemini.

    Random Questions

    Spell your name without vowels: CHXNYH
    Your birthdate: 23 May 1997
    What color do you wear most?: Black.
    Least favorite color?: The type of colour that you can't recogonise what colour it is.
    What are you listening to?: The saltwater room- Owl City
    Are you happy with your life right now?: I guess. Since UPSR is over.
    Laughed so hard you cried?: Hard to get, but yeah, once.
    Cried in school: No.
    Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: I guess.
    McDonald's or Burger King: McD.
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
    Strawberries or Blueberries: Both.
    Meat or Veggies: Both.
    TV or Movie: Both.
    Guitar or Drums?: Guitar
    Cake or Pie: Cake!~


    Dance?: Everyone can.
    Sing?: Yeah. My friends say I can sing well.
    Tie a cherry stem with you mouth?: Never tried.
    Whistle?: Yeah.
    Snap with your fingers?: Yeah. I can snap it with the sound sometime.
    Write with both hands?: Right is always right.
    Walk with your toes curled?: Yeah.
    Hold your breath for 10 seconds?: Of course.
    A split: I'm not flexible.
    Somersault: I can. But in the middle of that, I will fall.
    Slam Dunk: Never tried.
    Ride a bike: Yeah.
    Roller blade: Yep.
    Handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: Huh?

    THE DO'S:

    Believe there is life on other planets?: Yeah.
    Believe in miracles?: Sorta.
    Believe in magic?: Yeah.
    Love at first sight?: No. I don't even believe in love.
    Believe in Santa?: My mom is Santa.
    Know how to swim?: Yeah.
    Like roller coasters?: Who doesn't?
    Skateboard: Not really.
    Figure skate: Yeah.
    Baseball: Nope.


    Been on a plane?: Now, yes.
    Asked someone out?: Never.
    Been asked out by someone?: No.
    Been to the ocean?: Of course.
    Painted your nails?: Once.
    Been on stage?: Yeah.
    Slapped someone?: For saying a bad word.
    Hold hands with a boy?: No.
    Kissed someone?: No.


    Temperature outside?: 100. It's so damn hot.
    Radio station do you listen to most?: FlyFM(Malaysia's hottest music.)
    Last restaurant you ate at?: Sushi Zenmai.
    Last thing you bought?: Purple shirt that says: Everybody's crazy for me. And at the back says:Are you crazy for me?
    Last channel you watched on TV?: Nickelodeon.


    Last person you chatted on MSN?: Ilya.~
    Last person you took a picture of?: Don't remember.
    Last person you said I love you to?: No one.
    Last person you confessed to?: Never confessed.
    Last person who confessed to you?: No one likes me.
    Last person you dreamt: Zero Kiryu.
    Last person you met in school?: Zhi Ann.~


    Ever really cried your heart out?: No.
    Ever cried yourself to sleep?: When I was a little.
    Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: No.
    Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Once.
    Do you cry when you get an injury?: No. I feel good about it.
    Cried while listening to music?: Yeah.
    Listening to music and made you cry?: No.


    How many times have you had your heart broken?: Once. And that would be the last
    Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: No.
    Been kissed by? Not family: Yeah. On the cheek.
    Rejected someone?: NO ONE LIKES ME!
    People that are crushing on you: NO ONE LIKES ME!
    People that you are crushing: No.


    What is your current hair color?: Brown Black.
    Height: 160cm last measurement. Not sure about currrent height.
    Weight: __kg.
    Current piercings?: 0
    Have any tattoos?: No.
    Eye color: Brownish
    Skin colour: Normal?
    Hair length: Long.

    Tagging: People who reads this post.

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-

    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    Hey everyone. Sorry for not posting in such a long time. But I have been busy with family stuff. So, yeah. Now I'm posting about random thoughts. Well, DDC practise today was better than yesterday. We practised more moves. But I have no idea why the guys in 6C are so paticular about the songs. I just don't get it. Its just a song. -.- But anyways, I owe Ilya RM1. Gosh! Where are you, Ilya? I didn't see you in the school canteen. Where'd you go??? >.<

    Crapped By -Emo13Queen-